Man Sitting Inside Car Taking Alcohol Test

How to Challenge Breathalyzer Results in Florida DUI Cases

Breathalyzer tests are commonly used in DUI cases to measure blood alcohol concentration, but they aren’t always accurate. Various factors, such as device malfunctions, human error, or medical conditions, can lead to faulty readings. If a breathalyzer result seems questionable, it’s possible to challenge the evidence and potentially weaken the case against...

How to Challenge Breathalyzer Results in Florida DUI Cases Continue reading…
cup of alcohol next to the keys indicating a drunk driver about to commit dui in bradenton & sarasota florida

Avoiding Self-Incrimination: What to Say (and Not Say) to Police in a Florida DUI Stop

When pulled over for a suspected DUI in Florida, the interaction with law enforcement is a critical moment where every word counts. Remaining composed and aware of one’s rights can significantly affect the outcome of the stop. It's vital to balance politeness with caution, as this can influence the officer's perception and...

Avoiding Self-Incrimination: What to Say (and Not Say) to Police in a Florida DUI Stop Continue reading…